Expression Nodes

Literals (Lit)

Direct representation of values:

42          % Integer literal
3,14159     % Double literal
'A'         % Character literal
true        % Boolean literal
"Hello"     % String literal

Variables (Var)

Named storage locations:

x: int = 42
counter: int = 0
BUFFER_SIZE: int = 1760  % Constant declaration


Function declarations with type signatures:

% Basic function
main: never -> int = {
    % Function body

% Function with parameters
process: int double -> never = value coefficient {
    % Function body


Variable and constant declarations:

% Variable declarations
x: int = 42
message: *byte = "Hello"

% Global declarations (outside functions)
globalDouble: double = 0.2
globalStruct: structType = structType { hello = 123 }


Value assignment operations:

x = 42              % Direct assignment
ptr.* = value       % Pointer assignment
counter += 1        % Compound assignment

Function Calls (Call)

Invoking functions:

printf("Value: %d\n" x)

Conditional Expressions (If)

Branching logic:

if condition {
    % True branch
} else {
    % False branch


While (loop)

Frost supports loop constructs for iteration:

loop condition {
    % Loop body

From (range)

Iterating over a range of values, by step:

from 0 to SET_HEIGHT by 1 [y: int] {
    % Loop body

Block Expressions (Block)

Grouped statements:

    temp: int = x
    x = y
    y = temp

Control Flow


Frost supports implicit and explicit return statements. The ret keyword is used for explicit return.

ret value    % Alternative syntax

The last expression in a function is implicitly returned, without the need for a ret statement.

main: never -> int = {

Break and Continue

Frost supports break and continue statements for control flow:

loop true {
    if condition {
        stop    % Break
    if skip_condition {
        next    % Continue

Unary Expressions (Postfix)

Operations after the operand:

x++         % Post-increment
y--         % Post-decrement
z.&         % Address-of
k.*         % Dereference

Unary Expressions (Prefix)

Operations before the operand:

!flag       % Logical NOT
not flag    % Bitwise NOT
~value      % Bitwise NOT
++x         % Pre-increment
--y         % Pre-decrement

Operators (Op)

Binary operations, including arithmetic, bitwise, and logical operators:

a * b       % Multiplication
c / d       % Division
e mod f     % Modulus
g + h       % Addition
i - j       % Subtraction
k & l       % Bitwise AND
m | n       % Bitwise OR
o ^ p       % Bitwise XOR
q << r      % Left shift
s >> t      % Right shift
u is v      % Equality
w == x      % Equality
y != z      % Inequality
a <= b      % Less than or equal
c >= d      % Greater than or equal
e < f       % Less than
g > h       % Greater than
i and j     % Logical AND
k or l      % Logical OR

Structure Access (StructAccess)

Member access in structures:

point :: struct {
    x -> double
    y -> double

options :: struct {
    enabled -> bool

config :: struct {
    settings -> options
    enabled -> bool

my_point: point
my_config: config


Array Access

Array indexing:

array: [10]int = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

index: int = 2
array.#index   % Accessing array elements
argv.#(argc - 1) % Special syntax for expressions

Type Casting (Cast)

Explicit type conversions:


Remember that Frost's expression syntax is designed to be clear and unambiguous, with a focus on readability while maintaining low-level control when needed. The language uses a consistent style across different expression types to make code easier to understand and maintain.

Last updated